In a crisis of faith...get a Toolbox.

The poem I have written below is a reflection of those times w hen life seems hopeless and one feels helpless, causing a crisis of faith. Our emotional or physical distress as a result of an external experience can feel so all-consuming that we can overlook the eternal divine truth that lays dormant inside. Indeed, we can purposefully turn away from that inner true voice as we may have lost touch on how to nurture and cultivate our connection to it. Yet it is there always and if we are silent and reflective, maybe we can somehow connect with it. It is the voice that bestows forgiveness and unconditional love which we may feel that we do not always deserve or it feels unnatural as we are so conditioned to believe otherwise. It is the essence of the true self that has become obscured by negative reactions to life. It can be challenging to take the time and slow down in order to go within when faced...