Feeling Broken?
In case you didn't realize it, pay attention to it or have been
completely focused on one aspect of you, I want you to
always remember that you are whole as is. And what I mean by that
- You have a mind with thoughts
- You have a physical body
- You have emotions
- You have a soul
All four aspects of your being create the whole you. You can
name them anything you like or add parts but my point is that they all work
together and create the complex multidimensional human being that is you.
In order to have ease and flow in your life you will have to give attention to
each aspect. Whatever that means for you. Dig as deep as you can to see
what needs to be attended to.
I will give myself as an example. About 5 or 6 years after I gave birth to my first child, I came to realize that I was completely burnt out and I had stopped paying attention to everything about myself except my physical body. After a lot of researching, deep diving and acceptance, I realized that I was neglecting so many parts of who I am. After reading the work of Sheryl Paul, I was reminded that we are multidimensional beings. She introduced me to the 4 realms of self and with the help of the information in her book (I HIGHLY recommend reading The Wisdom of Anxiety) I created a daily process of how I tend to those realms.
- Meditation to center and calm my mind from racing thoughts
- Asking myself 'what is this thought protecting me from feeling?
- Pushing through resistance. Using discernment to ask myself, do I need rest in this moment or is this really resistance?
- Exercise: Walk 30 min daily in nature or do 10-12 sun salutations
- Food: Incorporate veggies into at least 1 meal
- Body Love: abhyanga (self or by someone), once per week
Hand to heart and say, 'I got you’. Accept and feel all the feelings,
especially the 'negative ones'. Let it out, don't resist them and bring the
most degree of awareness you can to them and even if you are aware that you are
unaware of what you are feeling - let that be OK.
The question to ask yourself here is,'What does my soul long for? What
brings it joy?"
For me, it's the following:
- Moments of inspiration that come through conversations, through listening to podcasts, and through reading.
- Moments of peace
- Observing nature in its beauty
How do you tend to your realms? Try creating something like
this for yourself. And grab that book - it will help, or at least point you in
the right direction to start!
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