Holistic healthcare doesn’t work.

Here’s why.

I am a mother, wife, daughter, sister, aunt, niece, cousin, therapist, healer, friend... the list can go on when we look at how many titles we are connected to. With all the love and enjoyment that comes with being all of those titles, there also comes responsibilities, commitments and obligations. All the work that we do in our lives are directly connected to our relationships. If those relationships are draining, well then there won’t be much energy left for anything else. 

It seems that society has taught us that the hustle and bustle approach to life is the best way to be productive. They say things like ‘Keep busy and fill up your days’. The result of that has proven to be stressful and 90 % of dis-eases and illness are stress related. 

So much so that now, almost everyone is looking for a quick fix. A pill or substance to take to make it all go away or someone to take the pain away in one ‘energy session’. I have noticed an increased trend in people now coming to me saying things like: I don’t want to keep taking my medication so can you give me any herbs or concoctions to help fix my problem? How long will it take? Will I be cured? What foodS should I eat that will heal me? 

Holistic health is best used as preventative medicine. An approach that takes an investment of time and trust. A minset that ‘this is not instant results but it is working behinds the scenes’ to make me stronger, healthier and happier.  

The truth is, it can work for you and it does work. But you need to apply it whole heartily, commit to it everyday. And if you fall off track, It’s ok, dust yourself off keep going.  Because with commitment, patience, discipline and self-love it will work. 

To make it work for you, START SMALL. Keep it simple and most importantly...Breathe deeply and exhale fully. 

Make healthier choices. Take on simple practices, waking up earlier, getting exercise in any form you feel connected to (yoga, walk, run aerobics, boxing etc) simple short guided meditation to connect you to the moment. Choosing to choose better thoughts. Stock up on spices and herbs. Get out into nature.

Focus on honouring yourself first before you can honor those around you. See a naturopath for guidance on nutrition and exercise choices that are best for you. 

This may not be instant cure but it will produce long lasting results.

“The body heals with play, the mind heals with laughter, the spirit heals with joy. “ proverb 


(Skylit Ayurveda Team)


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