
Showing posts from February, 2021

Ballard of a Mallard

Join me as Deborah Sharma takes us on one of her journeys through Nature. By contemplating our surroundings, we allows ourselves to move past the appearance of imperfection to see there is actually perfect order at work. If we look deep enough and open up we can find out more about ourselves and connect with the oneness and divine energy that we are all a part of.  💕 Thank you for sharing this Deborah.  Ballard of a Mallard - by Deborah Sharma I was inspired to write this poem when walking on a trail during the Summer last year, practically mesmerized just watching the ducks and how they interact with each other. They have a strong sense of community, and their simplicity made me feel like I was over complicating my life.  Their one concern was survival as a group but I also saw love in their community, a non-judgemental, unconditional love.   This made me reflect on my own relationships and my expectations of others.  Feeding them showed me how much they trusted a complete stranger y