The Healing Process

Sometimes, many times, I want change to happen overnight. Or maybe in a week. A few weeks at most. But of course, that hardly ever happens. This is more so true for when you are dealing with chronic issues such as chronic diseases or mental states that you have experienced for many years such as anxiety, depression and prolonged states of excessive anger that is detrimental to your well being. These issues can arise from years and years of neurons firing and wiring together in the same way in your brain. You can call them patterns or habits but in Ayurveda, we call them samskaras - they are the repetitive ways in which we think, feel and act. Changing the ones that negatively impact you won’t happen overnight. Taking a few herbs or getting some body work treatments or following a diet for a short period of time won’t create the lasting results that you wish to see. If you want to change a samskara it will require: · Time ...