The Beginning

When a decade shows you that you are aligning with your purpose 🙏🏽 Since the beginning, I knew I wanted to be involved in a career that would serve and help others in any way possible, therapeutically. YEAR 2009 : After completing my B.A. in Psychology, I attended a Holistic Health conference in Massachusetts, where I was introduced to the idea of Yoga Therapy. Until then the idea of holistic therapies didn’t cross my mind as an option. Right after the conference, I emailed one of the presenters. My message looked something like this: “Dear... Thank you for your presentation on Yoga Therapy. I am currently pursuing a career in Clinical Therapy, yet I had never thought about incorporating Yoga as a form of therapy until this week at Kripalu. I am amazed and excited at all the possibilities! I was hoping you could help me find some direction in getting started. I'm not sure how or where to begin. Any advice you can offer would be greatly appreciated...” YEAR 2019...